SBS Adria

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Emergency Response

At SBS-Adria, safety is our top priority. In the event of an emergency related to bunkering operations, our dedicated Emergency Response Team is ready to swiftly and effectively manage any unforeseen incidents. We prioritize the safety of personnel, vessels, and the environment. This section provides essential information on emergency protocols, contact details, and immediate actions to be taken. Our commitment is to ensure a rapid and coordinated response, minimizing risks and safeguarding the well-being of all involved parties. Your safety is our utmost concern.

Mirgen Nikaj

Emergency Protocol

1. Incident Notification:

Immediately contact the designated emergency response number: .

Clearly state the nature of the incident, location, and any immediate hazards.

2. Personnel Safety:

Evacuate personnel to a safe location away from the incident site.

Ensure all personnel are accounted for and report any injuries or medical emergencies promptly.

3. Environmental Protection:

Deploy available containment and spill response equipment to minimize environmental impact.

Collaborate with relevant authorities to assess and address potential environmental risks.

4. Communication:

Establish clear communication channels with relevant stakeholders, including authorities, clients, and response teams.

Provide regular updates on the situation and response efforts.

5. Coordination with Authorities:

Collaborate with local emergency services and regulatory bodies as necessary.

Comply with any directives or guidance provided by the relevant authorities.

6. On-Site Response:

Mobilize the emergency response team to assess and manage the situation on-site.

Implement mitigation measures to contain and control the incident.

7. Investigation:

Initiate an internal investigation to determine the root cause of the incident.

Collaborate with regulatory agencies for a comprehensive analysis, if required.

8. Reporting:

Comply with all reporting requirements to regulatory authorities.

Notify clients and stakeholders of the incident, providing transparent and accurate information.

9. Review and Improvement:

Conduct a post-incident review to evaluate the effectiveness of the emergency response.

Implement any necessary improvements to prevent similar incidents in the future.

10. Assistance for Affected Parties:

Offer support to affected parties, including vessel crews, personnel, and local communities.

Provide necessary information and resources to assist in recovery efforts.

This Emergency Protocol is designed to guide our response to unforeseen incidents during bunkering operations. Regular training and drills are conducted to ensure the preparedness and efficiency of our Emergency Response Team. The safety of our personnel, clients, and the environment remains our paramount concern.